New Ground
10 July, 2020
1 minute read
Hey there! Welcome to my new site, as of Friday July 10th, 2020, I’ve published this brand new version of my personal site. For my developer friends out there, this site was built with Gatsby and Chakra UI, both wonderful OS projects you should definitely check out. You can view all the code for this site here!
This site is a work in progress as noted by the empty about page.. yikes, but I promise it will have new and interesting content on it soon enough along with the rest of this digital garden. Now that I’m done with university and in this crazy real world, I can more easily set aside time without surprise assignments holding me back. Until I find the inspiration to sit down and write a new post, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or find guitar covers/jams on my Instagram. Hope you’re staying safe and sane in these crazy times. I’ll catch ya around shortly 😎.